So, what can you win by entering our super awesome giveaway???
The unit that is from my TPT store in this mega giveaway is my new Back To School Mega Book Companion Pack. This set is perfect for the first week of school - teaching expectations, gradually getting your kids back in to doing school work, and getting to know your new kiddos.
Click to the picture to check it out in my TPT store!
This book companion pack has comprehension and writing activities as well as a craftivity for each book and activities to teach classroom expectations. This set accompanies the following books:
Decibella yells EVERYTHING! You have the kiddo in mind, already don't you?!?! This book will help you teach using correct voice volume as well as give you reference that you can go back to all year long.
And then there's that kiddo that tells you EVERYTHING that goes on in the classroom - the tattler! This book will help your kiddos decide what they NEED to tell you and what they need to keep to themselves because it is a tattle.
And then there's the kiddo that can't keep any of their thoughts to themselves - the blurter! This book will give your blurters some techniques to use when they have something that they really want to share, but it isn't quite their turn yet.
Then there's your kiddo that has so much trouble staying focused to finish their work - they just want to do things their way. That's RJ for ya - until his mom gets wind of all his unfinished work and not asking for help from his teacher. Teach your kiddos some techniques for staying on task to complete their work with this book.
And lastly, you have your kiddo that says EVERYTHING that comes to their mind - whether it is nice or not. Poor RJ strikes again, but learns some lessons about using his social filter.
So, that's what I've got included for you if you win this mega giveaway!
Enter below using the Rafflecopter - it runs through Saturday night - a winner will be picked next Sunday! Good luck!

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