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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Making It To Summer!!

Hey friends!
Quick post for you today!
Last year, I did a blog post series with some of my favorite things that I use in my classroom to help me make it to summer!  I was going to recap each individually over the next few weeks, but I figured, it'd be just as easy to give you links to all of them at one time!
Read one at a time, or read them all at once - it's up to you!
Part 1: Countdown to Summer
Part 2: End of Year Gift & Summer Games
Part 3: End of Year Award Medals
Part 4: Beach Day!
Each of my TPT products in the posts above will be on sale though Friday - so make sure to hop over to my TPT shop and grab them on sale!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Summer has always been the highlight of a kids year and some parents, if you know what i mean. Anyway these tips are so good I will make sure i pass them on.

  3. Some camps are lax with what the campers can bring while some camps provide restrictions on food, beverages or even with sound gadgets because summer camps are usually located near wildlife reserves or national parks.uv tent for baby

  4. It is the intent to provide valuable information and best practices, including an understanding of the regulatory process
