Christmas with your Favorite Cats - companion activities to go along with Christmas books about Bad Kitty, Pete the Cat, and Splat the Cat
Judy Moody & Stink - The Holly Joliday - book study and craft for a short chapter book all about Christmas wishes and show
Christmas Jammies Fun - 5 ELA and 5 Math Centers
Topics Covered:
ELA - type of sentence/punctuation, noun sort, ABC order, possessive nouns, and facts/opinions
Math - double-digit addition/subtraction with and w/o regrouping, making numbers, word problems, spin tally and graph, and geometry/shapes
Rockin' Reindeer - 12 Math Centers
Topics Covered:
true/false equations, 3-digit numbers place value, double digit addition and subtraction, hundreds board hidden picture, skip counting, word problems, money, measurement, quantity discrimination, and fractions
Our Classroom has an Elf - perfect if you do Elf on a Shelf in your classroom! Daily morning work pages/journal along with other Christmas activities and elf craftivity
Elf Writing Craftivity - this craft is included in the Our Classroom Has an Elf set - so don't buy both!! Check out my class' elves in action on our bulletin board. We made our elves this past week when we had a couple short days. That way, when we come back after Thanksgiving - we are ready for Christmas!
I'm sure that we are like many other schools that integrate The Polar Express or How the Grinch Stole Christmas into some of their holiday celebrations. We celebrate Grinch Week Monday - Thursday of our last week of school with our Grinch Day being our culminating activity on Thursday of that week. We will watch the movie, have a "Who feast" snack, hold our holiday book exchange and more!
Both products above included TONS of ELA and Math activities that can be used in a center as well as some other goodies to keep your kids occupied and learning during the final days leading up to your Christmas vacation.
Now friends, I'm sure many of you are like me and love a sale! Were you a before the crack of dawn Black Friday, or even shopping with a turkey leg in one hand on Thursday looking for a deal?
Did you know that TPT is having a sale too! Monday and Tuesday my entire store will be 20% off. But WAIT, THERE'S MORE (cue commercial voice)!! TPT will be offering an additional percentage off with the promo code: SMILE, so you can get a total of 28% off!
Happy shopping and Merry Christmas!

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