Hello blogger friends! It's lunch time on Friday and I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five For Friday! Here we go!
Well technically, this was last week, but I went on a ski trip last weekend with my Sunday school class to Wintergreen in Virginia. We had a great weekend and it is definitely a trip I won't forget any time soon! A few of us girls who aren't skiers decided to go tubing at the plunge...going 30mph+ down a hill on a tube is quite exhilarating!
Monday was a super exciting day for my kiddos because I could finally share a BIG secret with them! My principal came our first day back in January and told me that a parent had anonymously donated money to my classroom for iPads...so we got 20 iPad minis. They are refurbished of course, but they work great and the kids love them! I used them with my Excel (RTI) group today for math and they were engaged the entire time!
This week was "Founder's Week" at my college and as with most things at Meredith College - they go all out! Alumnae from all over were posting pictures of how Meredith made us strong and showing our Meredith pride!
I don't know if your school is doing Jump Rope for Heart, but we did last week and lanyards with ducks were added to the prizes for raising money. They can earn all different kinds of ducks for how much and how they actually did raise the money (online, in person, etc). I love the incentive as do the kids, but these ducks on the lanyards are about to drive me nuts!!
I teach at a charter school and our PAL (like PTA) hosts Dress Down Days each month since our students wear uniforms. 2 DDD a year are Grant DDD so teachers can write and apply for grants for things for their classroom. I wrote a grant to purchase Knowledge Quest materials by Scholastic and found out this morning that I had received the grant! So excited!!
I'm off to take my kids to Music and enjoy some planning time in my room!
Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
I went snow tubing last year on our ski trip and your correct - it is fun!!!!