Friday, October 3, 2014

Five for Friday!

This week has been absolutely getting up at 5:30 AM, lunch without 23 sweet children, lots of TPT productivity and catching up on all my daytime shows like Gilmore Girls, Reba, Rachael Ray...  Now I can't believe that my track-out if half over!  This week has gone by too fast!  But I'm here for Five for Friday linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

Fall officially began a couple weeks ago and we have had a few tastes of fall, but Monday morning I got out in the front yard and finished our new fall display.  We got new scarecrows this year and went the fake pumpkin route so they would last longer, and with new flower beds in the front yard this year, I got to totally redo what we have done in the past.  I love it!

With fall, everything pumpkin comes along too!  Monday night for dinner, I made pumpkin spice waffles via a pinterest recipe.  I still can't figure out how to get them to STAY crispy on the outside, but they were yummy overall.

Today, I whipped up a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip bread and it is baking in the oven as I type.  Can't wait for the timer to go off in 42 minutes!

Track out means I get to exercise during the day, sit down to enjoy a cup of coffee, and read fun books while enjoying said coffee.  Enough said.

Tuesday I had to head over to school for mentor training.  Lunch on your own means for this girl - bring your lunch and do some stuff in your room during that hour and 20 minutes!  I managed to get my report cards printed, and replace almost all the labels on my book boxes in my classroom library.  Remember when I said back in July, the weekend before school started, that I wanted to redo the labels on the boxes...yeah...finally got around to actually doing it.  They've been printed and laminated, but changing them out just takes time.  I had previously used velcro to attach the labels to the fabric bins, but after that was taking way too much time and I was fighting with velcro too much, I whipped out the hot glue gun and finished them up really quick.  Hopefully they will stay attached!

Track out also means that I can get to some projects I've been thinking about for TPT.  With the holidays coming up, I had a few things on my list that I needed to tackle...
Each of these items are in my TPT store!

Happy Friday Y'all!


  1. I'm heading over to your TPT store to follow you when I finish this blog post. You had me at "Party Like a Pilgrim". Who can resist a title like that? Reading your Five for Friday has made me want pumpkiny snacks. Have a great weekend.
    Laughter and Consistency

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