Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Currently

Well it's February and I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for February Currently.

I just finished listening to my beloved NC State Wolfpack lose to our rival, UNC.  I'm a die hard NC State fan and stick with my team through thick and thin.  Football season was terrible this past season and basketball is up and down. 

I am loving being a TPT seller!  I posted my first items at the end of October and one, my Polar Express Unit took off.  That just inspired me to make more items!  I'm definitely loving how it is making me think more about the CCSS standards and is making me a better teacher...not to mention the financial benefits :)

I'm thinking I'm ready for baseball season, especially college baseball.  Football season and basketball season are rough, but we are supposed to have a really good baseball team this year and with Carlos Rodon as our main man pitcher, I am ready for some baseball!

Wanting all of this yucky snow outside to go away.  Highs today are supposed to be in the mid 50's so I'm hoping more of it will go away.  It was so pretty when it was falling and for about the next 2 days, but now we have brown and black snow everywhere from all the chemicals to clear roads and everybody making their way back out on the roads.

Needing a new pair of black sweatpants!  The dryer must have eaten them :(

2 Truths & a Fib:
I'm an only child - TRUTH!

My favorite veggie IS NOT lima beans!  When I was about 3, the lady who took care of me forced me to eat all of my lima beans at lunch one day.  I sat in the kitchen and cried and cried and eventually forced them all down so I could take my nap.  But I now hate them and won't go near them, unless they are disguised in something else I'm eating.

I have successfully lost 65 pounds on Weight Watchers over the past 2 years.  At times I get frustrated with how slow it comes off, but I'm not going to deprive myself of what I want to eat either.  I track Monday-Friday and then eat things I wouldn't normally eat on the weekend.  Getting rid of unwanted pounds is a lifestyle change.  If I deprived myself of things I love to eat, I would have given up about 2 weeks after starting.  Still not where I want to be, but I'm not giving up!

Have a great Saturday!


  1. 65 pounds is amazing!! Wow!! Congratulations!!

    1. Thanks! I hate having to buy new clothes each season because the ones from the previous year don't fit anymore...but that's a good thing too!

  2. Congrats on your weight loss journey! I'm needing to get back on the right track myself. It's nice to see another teacher who enjoys college sports! We had 3 days off this week here in Louisiana for ice/snow. It's been one crazy winter!

    Ms. Julie aka Southern Teacher
    Southern Teacher WBT
